24 Hour Fitness Center
Our 24 hour access fitness center is 1,300 square feet and is filled with the most up to date cardio and weight equipment.
Memberships are on sale! Download our application and turn into The Wright Family Center.
All members 18+ need to sign our waiver.
The Wright Family Center has 3 levels of pricing for the fitness center.
"Village of Dieterich"
You reside in the limits of the Village of Dieterich.
"Dieterich School District"
You reside in the limits of the Dieterich School District.
"Out of District"
You reside outside of the limits of the Dieterich School District.
All payments are set up on automatic monthly or yearly payments.
Yearly memberships are given 2 months free
"Village of Dieterich" Pricing
Individual (16+) $30 monthly - $300 annually
Family- $50 monthly, $500 annually
Senior 65+ - $25 monthly, $250 annually
Senior Couple- $40 monthly, $400 annually
"Dieterich School District" Pricing
Individual (16+) $35 monthly, $350 annually
Family - $55 monthly, $550 annually
Senior 65+ - $30 monthly, $300 annually
Senior Couple- $45 monthly, $450 annually
"Out Of District" Pricing
Individual (16+)- $40 monthly, $400 annually
Family - $60 monthly, $600 annually
Senior 65+- $35 monthly, $350 annually
Senior Couple- $50 monthly, $500 annually
Monthly Memberships will be paid by ACH Debit every month
Yearly Memberships can be paid by Cash, Check, or ACH Debit.
If you have a membership and wish to cancel, please download this form and you can either bring it into the Wright Family Center or you can email it to Director@WrightFamilyCenter.com
To Find the Rules of the Wright Family Center facility and our Code of Conduct. Please click here
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